The Munitions Factory is located Up River, which produces explosives for the Navy. It is unknown who operates it.
It was first mentioned by name in the episode Munitions, where the Z-Stacks had the contract to transport explosives for the navy. It also appeared in the episode Jinxed, where Boomer supposedly caused a barge to explode with his jinx.
The contracts for transporting explosives from the munitions factory are apparently very lucrative.
- Pirate (Re-used for The Pirate's hideout)
- Regatta (Cameo)
- Munitions
- Jinxed (Stock Footage)
- Up River (Re-used for the old warehouse, destroyed)
- Bigg Freeze (Cameo as the old warehouse)
- Despite being located upriver, the factory appears again during Regatta and Munitions inside Bigg City Port itself.
- The factory's logo is visible in Series 5 of Thomas & Friends on a piece of scrap in the episode, "Toby's Discovery".
- Sea Rogue wears that factory's insignia on his stack, heavily implying that he is owned and operated by the factory itself.
- Sea Rogue
- Sea Rogue's Uncle
- Z-Stacks (transportation contract)
Promotional Material[]
Behind The Scenes[]
The factory's model destroyed in Up River
Scrap steam shovel in Thomas & Friends
TUGBOATS | Sunshine (previously) | Billy Shoepack* | Sea Rogue* | Sea Rogue's Uncle* | Burke and Blair |
OTHER WATERCRAFTS | Lillie Lightship | Old Rusty* | Little Ditcher | Top Town Crane* | Shrimpers | Fishing Boats | Schooners | The Galleon | The Old Paddle Boat** | Pearl* | Barges | Light Barge* | Buoys |
LAND VEHICLES | Puffa* | Little Owl* | Rolling Stock* | Cranes |
PEOPLE | The Fuel Depot Manager* | Boomer's Old Captain* |
FLEETS | Salvage Fleet* |
LOCATIONS | Mittsville* | Uptown* | The Munitions Factory* | The Fuel Depot* | Dun Tuggin'* | Oil Yard* | The Breaker's Yard | The Logging Camp* | The Sawmill* | Big Boulder Rock Co.* | Melon Produce Company* | The Old Docks* | Dock Railway* | Several small quays* |